Get well soon, Wanda – bluetongue update

Unfortunately Wanda has tested positive for bluetongue.
As most of you are aware, last week our cows were tested for bluetongue. We hadn’t heard anything back after that for a few days and thought we were in the clear but on Sunday afternoon we received bad news – one of our cows had unfortunately tested positive for bluetongue.

Wanda is sadly the one that tested positive and now has to be isolated for 30 days from the rest of the herd. This isn’t ideal for Wanda but we are doing everything we can to make sure that she is as settled as she can be during this difficult time.

We have to isolate Wanda as this is a requirement from DEFRA because it is spread via midges, so if Wanda is bitten by a midge and then it immediately lands on a cow next to her, it could be transmitted that way. It is basically to put some space between her and the other cows to lessen the likelihood of this happening. Bluetongue is a virus which is carried by midges and causes no threat to humans. It cannot be passed from animal to animal either. Luckily we have been told by AHPA that they are not culling any animals in our area, so at least we don’t have to face that heartbreak.

Get well soon, Wanda!


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